Titan is our amazing and wonderful A1 Supreme Savannah. He has all the exotic looks of a wild African Serval, with the temperament of the most loyal and playful dog. I must also say that our entire family is extremely allergic to cats, and we have no reactions whatsoever to Titan, or any other Supreme Savannah for that matter! He loves to snuggle with our 2 year old – they are real best buds! You can see that although he has big claws, he never uses them on people and is very gentle with our kids. Anytime they want to play he wants to play. We could not imagine life without Titan; he is a truly magical and majestic animal. He is wild in appearance and full of love in every way.
– Kyle
I have been meaning to write to you sooner, but I have devoted every spare second of my time to my new kitten!!!!
And not unlike your other customers I have to boast about my cat. Esthetically he is the most beautiful cat I have ever seen, his ears are large and ordained with the most beautiful markings. His body is long and lean with distinct spots. His paws are huge and his legs are long. I have to believe you when you told me he may be one of the best looking Savannahs that you have ever sold.
But what is more attractive is his personality, he is so loving and trusting. He is playful with my 60 pound lab, nudges his face and plays with his tail. At night he sleeps under the covers in the curl of my stomach, and in the morning he is still in the same spot. I still have his quarantined to a single room in the house and when I walk in he greets me at the door and climbs up my leg. I purchased every cat toy in the store although he finds my personal baby blanket to be his favorite form of amusement right now….. he enjoys when we play tug of war with it. I want to say that his behavior is similar to a dog, but it is better….
Thank you and Martin so much for breeding such an exquisite animal. I will send photos in the next few days.
Calypso was hand delivered to a fashion designer in Beirut.Here is what she had to say (photos below):
Calypso is divine and quite a little rascal! He jumps on Diego and sits on his back and has such adorable little habits… He loves playing so much, and I give him a good work out every evening with a long feather stick that I bought in London. They are best friends and adore each other. He really is the sweetest boy, and he loves everyone. I will send you some new pictures of him; he’s growing really well and eating so much! I got them both a lot of organic healthy food and vitamins and their coats are super shiny. They are both looking very happy and chirping all day long. Cooper is in love with beef and tuna, and he gulps it down before I even put it on his plate. It’s a true pleasure to have such a wonderful, happy kitty. Thank you.
Here is what our friends in Paris, France had to say about their beautiful cats (photos below):
Dear Friends,
Our house is not a castle, but a house with four levels; tastefully furnished, of course, as Jean-Pierre loves to decorate the interior with pretty things. The Paris apartment resembles a museum at times.
It always surprises people to see the cats move in complete freedom around here. We must tell you, though – it takes constant maintenance, as Cybele, the female Serval, marks her territory all day long! The apartment must be cleaned and perfumed so that no one could suspect the evil it is to keep this place absolutely spotless! Few people have the courage to do what we comes so naturally to us.
However, we do not regret a single thing. We love our cats so much – they are all wonderful in their own way.
I will send you more photos another day! It is late tonight and I am falling asleep.Friendly regards to you all, and thank you for your friendship!
Jean-Pierre & Jean-Pierre
I always had the dream of opening my own cattery where cats would be kings. Now my dream is becoming reality and I have started my own Savannah breeding program. Thinking of the possibility of having domesticated cats that look like wild African Servals, thrilled me.
I flew to Delaware to visit Exotickittens, one of the founder of the Savannah cat breed. When I arrived, it was love at first sight with the cats. They were so beautiful that they simply took my breath away.
With the judicious advices of Martin and Kathrin , whom I would like to thank for everything, I could choose my cats to start my own breeding program.
Martin and Kathrin have since visited me in Canada and generously helped with the planning and set up of our cattery, as well as the nutrition planning and providing of pictures for my web page. We are proud to advertise that all our cats are bred and raised by ExotickittensPark.
Julie D.
To everyone at ExotickittensPark,
We are SO HAPPY with our Mara. I can tell you all did a wonderful job raising her for her first few weeks of life. She became a loving and happy member of our family almost immediately.
She sleeps all night long with Jaime and I, and loves to romp and play with the kids.
They became best friends right off, and we are continually impressed with her sweet nature and beautiful markings. She has become the toast of our town!
A special note to Martin: thank you so much for answering all ourquestions, and allowing us to adopt Mara. As you predicted, our friends on facebook have gone wild praising her beauty, and asking where we got her. Consequently, I have posted and forwarded your website many times, adding what a good experience it was and how professional, caring and knowledgeable you all are.
I expect you to receive many inquiries in the near future. There are not enough words to express how impressed and overjoyed we all are.
With all our gratitude, and wishing you all the very best,
Green Family
Dear ExotickittensPark
First of all, we must say we love you ! We would like to thank, from our hearts, Bassel, Kathrin and the whole gang, for the immense joy of living with the two cats we bought early this year (SuperGirl, a gorgeous female F2 & Nina, an adorable, high percentage F2).
They are the most amazing creatures, surprisingly smart, super sociable, loving, endless fun, everything you would expect from the best Savannah Cat cattery in the world :-)! My wife and I have no words to express our enormous gratitude and happiness, and are blessed to share our lives with our two furry Savannah daughters! We attach some pictures of their development!
As your most faithful customers and loyal fans, we hereby refer your business to my sister who lives in Italy. She is interested in buying 1 heroically sociable Savannah Cat. My sister has long been a fan of your Savannah Cats, and is now ready to bring such phenomenals creature into her life :-)). Thanks again for your flawless service and business! It really revolutionized our lives, we could not be happier with our girls, lol! We remain as always,
Your Great Fans and Loyal Supporters,
The Rodrigues Family
A few months ago, I was browsing YouTube with my daughter to show her some cat videos; I must say I’ve had some bad experience with cats in my youth and I’m more of a dog person, so we did not own a cat at home. But my daughter loves cats (and so do my wife and son), and I wanted to please her with these videos.
I do not remember exactly what keywords I typed in YouTube’s search engine, but I immediately fell in love with the magnificent look of this breed I had never heard of before! I began searching and gathering information about Savannahs, their temper, look, needs, price (yes, that too ;-)) and, since my wife is definitely a cat person, I began thinking I might offer her the opportunity to have her own cat at home, a cat with all the particulars I, myself, love in dogs: loyalty, tenderness, playful temperament…
We do live in Belgium, and I soon realized that there is not a single Savannah breeder in our country; being French speaker, I went out to seek a breeder in France. I called several of them, but I immediately had a good feeling with only one of them. We therefore decided to pay the breeder a visit to check if what we thought of about Savannahs fits what we felt with them when we actually meet them.I basically told the breeder what I’ve been writing in this email and, as surprising as it can be (to me at least), he told me he was a trainee at your facility a little bit more than a year ago! Besides the feeling I had with Hicham and Karima from Feline Beauty (in Paris, France), the fact that they were trained by and with you was kind of a “Seal of Quality” to me for, as far as my research went on, you seem to be THE way to go as far as Savannahs are concerned.
My family have adopted two siblings F2 SBT, a male Guns and a female Galante, last Saturday (we initially thought about adopting a single cat, but deciding between two of the cats with whom we immediately had a mutual attraction for was too difficult for us ;-)), and we are very happy with them. They’ve only been part of our family (my wife and I, our two kids and our dog) for a couple days, but it seems as if they already feel comfortable with us all. We, on our side, feel totally comfortable with them.
If it weren’t for you, the videos you posted on YouTube and the “starting point documentation” I found on your website, I would probably never have felt ready to welcome a cat with us… Now I have two of them and I love them!
And I just wanted to thank you for that through this email.
Have a very nice day
It took Abelo no time at all to settle in and make himself right at home. He’s getting along great with the other cats, and has found a best friend in our youngest Himalayan, Dexter. The two of them are thick as thieves, and barely leave each other’s sides. Turns out Abelo is a real lover, one of the most affectionate cats I have ever met in my life – he just wants to be around us whenever we are home, and sleeps right in between Kristin and I most nights.
He’s an active little guy, too – though he’s really not that little any more… almost 9 pounds at just under 6 months old, and healthy as a horse (with the appetite of one, too). There’s definitely no shortage of energy with him!
I’ve attached a few pictures so you can see how he’s grown – he is such a handsome kitty. We keep checking your website and looking at all the newbies – so beautiful! There may be another Savannah in our future, once Abelo grows out of this rambunctious kitten phase, of course.
Enjoy the pics – talk soon.
Marc & Kristin
I have tell you, they are just great cats and have been adjusting just fine. My hat is off to you, you are doing a great job! They have very good temperaments and are very healthy and active. They really are so close and love each other. Loki is more brave, but Zulu will just love to give you sugar. We had our first object knocked off a counter this weekend but that is par for the course with active cats. Stacy is so very happy. Here are some great shots from yesterday.
Hi Cute, it's Ann. Just wanted to update you on Kenya...Krazy Kenya as we have affectionately named her! She is such a joy. Of the three kittens we have gotten, she is definitely the one with the best disposition and full of personality. Totally confidant. She is the first one to explore new things without hesitation and loves everyone she meets. There are no "strangers" with her. Her new trick is to jump on my back when I am cleaning the litter box. She is so proud to sit on my back or shoulder! I just love her to death! Thank you for breeding such wonderful Savannahs. I hope our babies are as outgoing and lovable as what you are producing!
Ann Hilton
Hi Cute
Just wanted to let you know that things are going great with Nuru and Bomani, they are both so sweet and seem to really be having fun playing with us and each other. We are really enjoying them and you deserve all the credit for how wonderful that they turned out.
My Best,
Just so you know, Omari is one of our best cats ever. I just wanted to reiterate what a wonderful job you've done with his line. His temperament is extraordinary! We love him so much! He amazes me everyday. He gets along with ALL and plays nice with the little ones. We couldn't be happier with him. Is his temperment the same with all of your cats? He's the only one we received that came out of cage purring and open arms…literally! Thank you. XOXO,
Jennifer Simper & Marlon Azada
The last year has been awesome! The 3 of us have grown as a family and I have enjoyed these 2 completely! They are great pets and I love them! Thank you so much for your help!
My name is Jacquelyn Cherie Owens. My Mother and I bought two babies from Cute... Kaiya Nellaina and Phantom. Cute is an absolutely AMAZINGLY wonderful breeder!!!!! Our babies are AMAZING and have the sweetest personalities! I would hands down recommend buying from Cute!!!!! We keep in touch with her and send pictures and videos to show her how fast they are growing and how happy we are with them. Cute is THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!
We are so in love with Moegli! He is an amazing kitten or cat-dog as we like to call him. Unlike typically aloof cats, he wants to be everywhere we are, he fetches, and insists on sitting on my lap and looking out the window when we drive to Cape Cod. He's a hoot! ~N
Honestly, I never expected any animal, of any sort, to be THIS tolerant of such an active toddler – in one of the attached pictures, Sabine is actually asleep, while Karson is giving her a hug/kiss (something we are “practicing” doing gently – even toddler kisses/hugs can be rough) and in the other picture with Karson, I was reading him a book, and Sabine decided she wanted a belly rub J. She also enjoys water (sinks, showers, tubs), so after the kids were done with a bath, she hopped in – as cute as it is with all 3 of them in the tub (2 kids + Sabine)…no pictures.
She is what we call a “cat-dog” – so much so, that she eagerly eats the food scraps dropped on the floor (inevitable with Karson), so we put her in a room while we eat. She seems to be an incredible quick learner (dare I say…smart?!) and we are teaching her to stay off our kitchen counters – right now she needs a chair to get on the counter (or so she thinks), but it won’t be long before she’s able to jump floor to counter.
She really has fit seamlessly into our energetic and chaotic family!
Dear Cute,
I cannot tell you how happy and excited I am to finally have and own 2 Savannah cats! My dream has finally come true!
Thank you so much!