A Serval is not a domestic cat but is a medium sized African Wildcat weighing up to 50lbs..It has a slender build, is tall with a tawney background coat and large black spots. It is a powerful animal with long legs and a fairly short ringed tail with a black tip.The servals head is small in relation to its body but has very tall oval ears set close together on the top of its head. They are used very efficiently while hunting and can detect rodent pray underground.
Servals are extremely intelligent animals and have historically been kept as pets in Africa. The ancient Egyptians worshiped the serval and kept them as pets and also used them to guard their grain stores against hungry rodents
Servals are extremely active and agile and remarkable problem solvers making them notorious for getting into mischief. They require large amounts of space to run and play. When kept as pets they are reported to have the most outgoing and friendly personalities of the wild cats and bond strongly to their owners.
Contact for pictures of other available kittens

Keisha SOLD

Gary, male Available

Fred, Male Available

Suzy, female Available