​​​​Stunning Exotic Cats bred in US​A

We are cat breeders who specialise in the following breeds;
African Serval, Savannah and Caracal Lynx :
It is our aim to breed savannah cats that resemble as close as possible the African Serval....a beautiful cat with brown/black spots.
We have had enquiries regarding the different colours of savannahs available, snow, melanistic, silver etc. but we will NOT intentionally produce these colours. We are adament that we will try to be as true to the serval as we can through careful breeding to produce high quality savannahs both in appearance and in temperament.
We do occassionally have serval kittens and F1/F2 savannah kittens available to the right homes.

​The serval is the easiest exotic wildcat to tame and can become very "dog like" although as with all animals you must respect what it really is
​Savannahs are commonly compared to dogs (as are servals) in their loyalty and they will follow their owners around the house like a dog. They can also be trained to walk on a harness
Knowledge Meets Experience:
Combining a graduate degree in the animal sciences and over 13 years of feline breeding experience, our program has the knowledge base required to produce the most striking Savannahs in existence. Understanding animal behavior within the breed also has a learning curve. We would be naive to claim that we know it all, but we have more experience on our side over any other Savannah breeder. No worries about whether your breeder will still be around to help with any issues that may arise with your cat as it matures and even enters its later years of life.
Why We Do This:
The creation of the Savannah breed has allowed the every-day person to capture a part of the wild and co-exist with it in their home. While the Savannah cat maintains the body physique, extreme intelligence and athleticism, and striking coat pattern of the wild African Serval, the Savannah cat is a more manageable option that will bond with your family, as well as your other pets.
Quality Driven:
We are a progressive, innovative, TICA registered cattery which continually strives to produce the highest quality domesticated companions. As the longest standing breeder of the ever-popular Savannah cat we offer the expertise and customer service that our clients deserve. Having the added advantage of time on our side has allowed us to surpass even our own expectations of how well we can maintain the Serval look and size in our Savannahs. Each time the next generation of matings are achieved our program is moved further forward on the quality spectrum.
What are Savannah Cats?
Savannah cats are a spotted breed of domestic cat, with an elegantly tall, slender, and long body frame. The savannah breed originates from a serval bred with a domestic cat. A serval is a small species of wild cat native to the African plains (or ‘savannah’, hence the breed’s name). The first generation of savannah cats are referred to as ‘F1’ for first generation, and if they are from a 100% domestic mother they are exactly 50% serval.
Please note that we do NOT allow casual visitors to our home. We only allow people who have a deposit on a kitten to visit and interact with our kittens and cats. We get a lot of requests from people who want to see our cats or kittens, but this is not possible unless you are purchasing or picking up a kitten.