Serval, Savannah and Caracal Prices:
These prices are just an estimation of the different generations and cat breeds we offer. This might give you a better idea of what you are looking for. Each Savannah,Caracal Cat & African Serval is priced according to the appearance quality depending on TICA Standards. All prices are subject to change depending on quality as the kitten grows. Shipping or Delivery is available upon request. We have successfully shipped to all 5 continents and accept many payment methods.
Male with breeding right..................$3600
Female with breeding right............. $3800
Neutered male...................................$3100
Neutered female................................$3300
Male F1................................................$3100
Female F1 ...........................................$3300
Male F2 ...............................................$2100
Female F2............................................$2300
Male with breeding right..........;......$3800
Female with breeding right.............$3600
Male Neutered..........;.......................$3100
Female Neutered..............................$3300
Note: All prices are varied depending on TICA Standard quality of each cat. All prices are subject to change and negotiation.