A savannah cat is a cross between a domestic cat and the serval, a medium sized, large eared wild african cat (similar in looks to a cheetah, but smaller)
The savannah cat became popular among breeders at the end of the 90,s and in 2001 TICA accepted it as a new registered breed, and in May 2012 it was accepted as a championship breed by TICA.
The breed was born in April 1986 in the USA and the first hybrid cross was named savannah by the breeder.
Initially savannahs are produced by crossbreeding servals and domestic cats. Each generation of savannah is marked with a Filial number, for example, the cats produced directly from a serval/domestic cat cross are the F1 generation and are 50% serval. This is the first generation. The second generation or F2 will be at least 25% serval as the serval is now the grandparent. The offspring of the F2, the third generation, or, F3 as it will be known will be at least 12.5% serval and so on through subsequent generations.
The F1 savannah remains rare and expensive because they are very difficult to produce due to the significant difference in the gestation periods and chromosomes between the serval and a domestic cat. Kittens are frequently born premature and special around the clock care is required. We occassionally offer savannah cats for sale, and, savannah kittens for sale, and, F1 savannah kittens for sale.
The F1 savannah is one of the largest breeds of domestic cat. Its tall and slender build gives the appearance of greater size than their actual weight. (size will reduce as the generations move further away from the serval).
A savannahs unique appearance is often due to the presence of many distinguishing serval characteristics. Most prominent of these in the early generation savannah include the various colour markings; tall deeply cupped, wide, rounded, erect ears; long legs with its hind end often higher than its prominent shoulders; the small head is taller than it is wide and it has a long slender neck. The backs of the ears have Ocelli and ideally, black or dark `tear-streak` or `cheetah tear` markings run from the corner of the eyes down the sides of the nose to the whiskers, much like that of the cheetah.
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A Male n Female remaining

Telma, Taken Already

Fred 64% male

Keisha 42% F2 Female

Garcia 52% F1 Female

Kelly 56% F1 Female

Bella F2 HP snow gold Female

Males, and Females F2s